I finally received the mail from SAMS with the ISBN for my book. So I guess things are getting official !, which also means I can give out a few more details about the book. Let’s start with the title.
The book will be called WPF In Depthand is meant for intermediate to advanced users of the technology. I assume that the readers of the book will be familiar with the basics of WPF and are looking for different ways to apply this knowledge. Some of the content in the book comes from few of my earlier blog posts but there is lot of new stuff as well. Originally my co-author and I decided to name it as “Thinking in WPF” but there were other constraints. One of them being it sounds more like a book from Bruce Eckel than me :-)
The book contains abundance of information for custom control authors and WPF application development in general. Here is the tentative Table of Contents. The last few chapters many undergo some changes.
Table of Contents
Part I: Thinking in WPF
Part II: Adding Complex features
Part III: Building interactivity, 3D, Animations
Part IV: Packaging, Testing, Improving, and Deploying your Controls
If you feel there is something I need to include do let me know. I am at a stage where I should be able to absorb such requests. I am sure I’ll miss out on some minor stuff, but by and large I hope it would be a useful addition to your bookshelf.