I am pretty happy to see the great community interest in the FluidKit project. Even happier is the fact that we have our first contribution from Boris Tschirner (I guess from Germany). Boris is a designer who contributed two classes that draw some nifty shapes, namely the CogWheelShape and the PolygonShape. These classes have some interesting DependencyProperties which can be used for creating neat looking figures.
Here is the app in action:
Here are a few possibilities:
These classes are part of the FluidKit.Shapesnamespace. Go check it out.
About contributing
If you have a great control or any WPF related goodie that you would like to include in FluidKIt, please send me an email. Additionally:
I still haven’t come up with a process but lets get those in place later ;) As of now I am more than happy to integrate your contributions into FluidKit.